View your website on a variety of OS/Browser platforms
from their own words: Browsershots is a free online platform where you can test your web design…
Burning Crusade Maps, Leaks, Mounts
Goblin Workshop has tons of unreleased info on the World of Warcraft: Burning Crusade. These shots are…
New Server, Old WordPress
Its Alive!!!! I just completed my migration of this WordPress blog from my old host to Dreamhost….
Disgaea 2 Reviews
Check out my review of Disgaea 2: Cursed Memories on the 5th issue of Game! Magazine Philippines….
The Making of Blizzard’s Illidan Sculpture
Here’s how they created that amazing Ilidan scuplture that was in Blizzard’s E3 Booth this year. Who…
Globe-Innove Blogger Meet at Greenbelt 2
Globe Innove Blogger at the Temple Bar in Greenbelt 2 I finally got to meet Abe, Angelo,…
Team USA bows down to Greece
Team USA just lost 101-95 to Greece. I think that in a way the loss is good…
WoWza on
WoWza has just been made available on WoWza is a World of Warcraft WordPress Theme. Most…