Category: Gaming News
Green Green Anime and Maple Story MMORPG
Green Green.12 episodes.Ecchi,Comedy,Love Story Anime. Lots of “service” shots, in the words of its director. Revolves around…
Games: Anak Bathala Pinoy MMORPG Finally a pinoy MMORPG in the works. Hope the developer/s get as much support as they…
Games: Dungeon Siege 2 Betatest
Currently Betatesting Dungeon Siege 2. *crosses fingers*. Impressions: Same Dungeon Siege engine with a few bells and…
Games: PS2 Makai Kingdom: Mini Review
Makai Kingdom is the latest of Nippon Ichi’s hardcore strategy rpgs. It tells the story of Lord…
What D&D Character Are You?
I Am A: Lawful Neutral Human Fighter Ranger Alignment: Lawful Neutral characters believe in the triumph of…
The Playstation 3 and n00bs.
Finally, first images of the PS3 debuted at this years E3 convention. Start drooling and be prepared…
Guild Wars
Just got a copy of Guild Wars. Look for Anaka Nginamo or Anaka Nginamorin to say hi….
Raid Boss Azuregos is Dead!
The bigger they are, the harder they fall.