Category: Videos
The first official Avengers Movie Trailer
Written and directed by Joss Whedon, “The Avengers” stars Robert Downey Jr. as Iron Man, Chris Evans…
Infinity Blade 2 Demo @ Apple iPhone 4S Event
Check out the live demo by Epic Games and chAir Entertainment of Infinity Blade at the October…
NBA 2K12 Philippines Release Date
NBA 2K12 will be available on October 4 at your local Datablitz Branches. We already reserved ours,…
Heroes of Might and Magic 6: Blood Trailer
Check out the Heroes of Might and Magic VI: Blood Trailer. The HoMM VI engine looks a…
Dragon Age: Dawn of the Seeker Movie
Dragon Age: Dawn of the Seeker is an upcoming animated feature film by BioWare, EA and FUNimation…
Diablo 3: How the Shared Stash Works
Adventuring in Sanctuary can be a lucrative business. Between all the quests to complete, the corpses to…
Diablo 3 Beta: Wizard Gameplay Video
Check out a Diablo 3 Beta gameplay video featuring the Wizard Class
Underworld: Awakening
Underworld: Awakening follows Selene, portrayed again by the star of the first two films Kate Beckinsale, who…