The Reason why Superman cant get a girl.
And they say the intarrrnet/TV/games/coke corrupts minds. Originally written back in 1971 by Larry Niven, who is a well known sci-fi author and probably had wayyy too much free time then.
Superman Returns is actually a better movie than i expected. But sheesh, Brandon Routh is just too uhhh…whats the term…”pretty” for a giant theater screen. *screams of “Ampogi”, “Ang Gwapo” “Makalaglag piece-of-clothing” fills the blogosphere*
Ugh. I actually enjoyed the part where he got beaten up, in a twisted toughen-you-up kinda way. =) . Got it from Rico’s Blog.
Hey Kiven, I just moved my blog. The link to the entry I wrote on Supes is now http://www.fool45.com/why/why-can%e2%80%99t-superman-have-children/