To celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Gundam anime/manga/toy/videogames franchise, an 18-meter-tall (59-foot-tall) life size Gundam statue will be built in Tokyo this July. Awesome!
This Gundam statue is part of the “Mobile Suit Gundam 30th Anniversary Project,” and is located at Odaiba’s Shiokaze Park. This will stay up for only two months and be built from fiberglass-reinforced plastic over a steel frame. Fifty points on the Gundam statue will emit light, and mist will shoot out of 14 different points on the statue. The 1/1 scale Gundam will boast a moveable head.
This is the largest Gundam statue ever constructed in Japan. In the 1990s, a 33-foot-tall LM312V04 Victory Gundam was constructed. There is also a fan-made 23-foot-tall 1/3 scale MSZ-006 Zeta Gundam in Japan. Though, this isn’t the first time a life-sized Gundam has been created.
Thanks to Kotaku for the source article.